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Language: english

* Standard profile

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Business type: Manufacturer
Business type: Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: 101 - 500
Annual sales value: Euro 1.000.000 – 5.000.000
Established year: 1959


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Firm Rank: 0

company_photosJSC "FASA"

For more than 50 years now FASA has been developing and producing packaging equipment for food industry. We were the first and the only food industry equipment factory in the Soviet Union. FASA did not change its course and now is the leader of packaging equipment manufacturers in the Baltic region.
Our production is oriented for the dairy sector, we produce multi-purpose, wide application range of automated packaging equipment.

FASA Company has its own manufacturing capabilities from engineering and metal processing to the final product. Our factory has all metal processing facilities including casting, precision cutting, thermal treatment, galvanization, welding and dyeing. All proccesing is performed by our experienced, responsible workers. After this each manufactured part is tested by FASA quality department. All departments of the factory effectively cooperate and complement each other to ensure the best quality production and high level services.

Address data

Street:Sporto str. 9
Postal code:LT-68108
Phone: +370 343 70562
Fax: +370 343 70469


Contact person

Name and Surname: Vaida Luckute
Phone: +370 343 70481
Mobile: +370 68638776
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